Our Services

Islamic Questions & Answers

This service is for general Islamic enquiries only. 


However, if you require a specific response relating to  a particular matter, then please use an appropriate tile below to complete your query. 


Please write your query as succinctly as possible and a member of our team will aim to respond to you within 5 working days.  

Muslim Family Law

This service is for queries regarding nikāh (marital services), ṭalāq (dissolution/ annulment services), warāthah/ wasāyā (inheritance/ bequest services) and related services


Please title your query with the relevant service you require and succinctly mention what you hope to achieve from this service. 


We will respond to you at our earliest convenience.  

Business Law

This service is for queries regarding fiqh-al-mu’āmalāt (business law). 


Please title your query with the relevant service you require and succinctly mention what you aim to receive from this service. 


We will respond to you at our earliest convenience.  


This service is for counselling only. 


Please title your query with the relevant service you require and succinctly mention what you aim to achieve this service. 


We will to respond to you at our earliest convenience.  


This service is for mediation only. 



Please title your query with the relevant service you require and succinctly mention what you aim to achieve this service. 



We will respond to you at our earliest convenience.  


This service is for arbitration only. 


Please title your query with the relevant service you require and succinctly mention what you aim to achieve this service. 


We will respond to you at our earliest convenience.  


This service is for certification only. 

Please title your query with the relevant service you require and succinctly mention what you aim to achieve this service. 


We will respond to you at our earliest convenience.